creating a new blog is SO difficult!!! oh my goodness... i spent one whole afternoon doing this. anyway, sorry if the links and stuff isn't done up properly, it'll take some time before i figure out how to get it done right. i'm not very good with computers.
prom last night was a blast.
here's proof.

the guys. all dressed up for prom. er well, almost.

met them at CF camp. nice people to talk to. damn hardworking. they even brought some books to camp to study. *pei fu, pei fu*

mdm yan! haha. she was made to dance during the start of prom (all thanks to our table. hehe.)
but i forgot to take a picture of her. damn.

don't we all look spectacular (*gay/bimbo voice*)

karen and the rest were ushering us in. her dress was really pretty that night.

ANNA!!!!!! doesn't she just look gorgeous in a dress!?! woohoo!

dinitha was my last minute prom date. she had one already, but he was too busy with other stuff. i'm a substitute. boohoo, i feel like a reject. NOT.

the way nicole and her boyfriend dressed that night was really matching! both of them wore white and they were crowned king and queen of winter. oh, her BF isn't in the pic btw.

our table. candid shot. hehe.

natasha sang beautifully that night(as always), but i think i've heard that song a bit too many times now. haha. sorry the picture's really dark. they switched off all the lights.

we wanted to take a picture of all the 4C3's together, but lyana was in the washroom and kevin was in a rush to go home. so we took the shot without her. sorry lyana! kevin went off together with his GF after that, wonder where they went off mm-hm. opps ;p

daniel was the emcee for the night. he did a great job. he was cool and calm and even when things cocked up, he played his cool and got things fixed. he's a wicked electric guitarist as well. looking forward to go jamming with him one day.

mr su. he teaches humanities, history. not too sure if he teaches other subjects though. i'm not taught by him. ;p

we had dance after the dinner. the floor was open to everyone to dance. the front part was crazy. everyone was dancing like there was no tomorrow. till the sound system crashed. school speakers, what to do? haha.

see what i mean by crazy? but this was already near to the end la, not really that siao.
the speakers went on and off as it liked, i guess people got sick of it so fewer and fewer people wanted to continue dancing.

fooling around a little before we made our way down to cineleisure for a movie.

we thought the movie was at 12.50am, so we took a cab there from the ritz. we read wrong- it was 12.50pm. urgh. we waited till 1.40am for the next movie instead. haha. we ended up so bored, we played "truth or dare" in burger king. oh, that's alan. he chose 'dare' so he was made to do a catwalk down the aisle. hehe. everyone was staring at our noisy table though. haha, whatever, we had fun. ;p

this is the movie we watched. it was funny and touching and meaningful show all at the same time. it was a really nice show. i especially liked the ending when adam sandler read the note written by the person who created the remote that says, "PS: your wife's rockin' body still drives me crazy." hahaha. she is hot anyway, really hot. whew. but i heard that movie reviews said it wasn't good, but i still like the show. oh well, one man's meat is another man's poison.
haven't watched tokyo drift yet. damn, it's been out for so long already!
i reached home at about 5am last night. haha. showered and slept till around 1pm. hmm, 8hours. not bad. i think i'm having a cold. i've been sneezing a lot this afternoon. i'll be well by tomorrow. oh yea, tomorrow. i'm supposed to give a testimony of the mission trip to thailand. i hope i don't get stage fright. going to gram's soon. haven't done any work for the whole afternoon, just great. i think i'll bring some work there to complete. that's if i can even concentrate on doing any. ok, i better get off the computer before i get a headache. ciao~
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