i think isaac's tired of living. or maybe he just wanted to be humpty dumpty sitting on the wall. hehe. just kiddin, isaac.
mr ian said something during chapel today that made me stop to think.
"if such a BIG God can forgive and love me, what's stopping me from doing the same for you?"
i don't know. there are just SO many factors, i don't know where to begin with. or maybe i just choose not to know, and be ignorant. i don't know. i don't wanna stress myself out with additional stuff this year. exams are in 2 months time, and i don't wish to waste another freakin year in sec4.
tasha asked me a question that was really interesting too. i bet a lot of people ask this question too. "how do you hear God speaking to you?" i told her that God can convey a message through a person, or maybe a bible verse that is shared in a cell group, or maybe in a dream. and also said, "how i wish sometimes, God would talk to us in an audiable voice." i do wish so sometimes. if anyone has anything to add on to the answer of tasha's question, let me know ok? i'm curious to know more myself. hehe.
nicole's mom's picking me up tomorrow from nearby to send me to sengkang sec for english oral exams. hope the invigilator won't be as bad as how nicole described them to be. haha. wish me luck guys! :)
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