i'm simply in love with the album mighty to save by hillsongs. i was listening to it all the way while i was studying at K.A.P. today. music can win souls for Christ. oh yes, it can. uh-huh, yup yup yup!
wah! isaac! how many times tio pat tze already ah?! wa liu! pain ah!!! hahaha... but really, it's getting tiring. i need a break man. a permanent one. *shows retarded face*
man, today was GOOD!

lunch-cum-study at KAP macdonald's.

a full man's a happy man. yup yup yup!

the 4 happy prisoners.

look what work stress has done to me! ahhhh!!!

isaac driving his invisible car. haha. i bet this went through the counter lady's mind,"what the..."

awwww... sho shweet!!! haha... we just finished our studies and decided to play pool, instead of the intended workout at tasha's condominium. it was drizzling- explains the umbrella. heh.

isaac the pro. heh. he's really good at the game. lucky thing he didn't do his combo. lyana and tasha was behind him. haha.

since we only booked one pool table, we decided to play fuseball while waiting. haha. it was really funny. i wanna play it again! :)

andre's on the right. notice the number of people playing fuseball after we played? hahaha. it was empty before. WE set the ball rolling. yeah baby yeah!

i thought this was a nice shot of alan playing pool. i really suck at the game now. haha.
more fun coming up tomorrow! and chandeepa's going! woohoo! chandeepa, you rock man! i don't know what the plan is for tomorrow also, but with all the jokers going, i bet it'll be fun!
i met angie and her group at mac's in the morning, and izz as well. their whole group was studying for mock test later in the day. izz was waiting to meet her friend to visit teachers from her former primary school. i thank God for friends. *smiles from ear to ear* i don't think i've been this care free in my life ever. i'm seriously enjoying life man. i'll study tomorrow before i head down to the gathering organised by dr dabbs.
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