i feel so shiok after the shower. feeling extremely dirty after one whole day out. like, extremely.
today's alan's 18th birthday. woohoo! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALAN!!!
the accounts paper today was a killer. damn, studied a whole lot yesterday, still couldn't do quite a lot. i'm not sure if mr yeong set the prelims that difficult or am i just plain dumb? hmmm..don't tell me the answer.
anyway, after the 2nd and last paper for the day, maths, we all changed out of our uniforms and made our way down to orchard. the rest, i'll let the pictures do the talking.

messin around in CMS room before we made our way down to orchard.

button all the way up. geeky enough? haha.

the bus stop just outside school. alan still thinks we were going to sushi teh at that point of time. ;p

haha. SEOUL GARDEN! i hope that came as a pleasant surprise for him.

feeling 'bo liao' after lunch-cum-dinner. i think we meant to act blur. the pictures look like we were acting acting cute. hahaha.

group shot! after the meal.

on the way to crumpler to get bag for alan

haha... the bag looks FAR too big on rach. KC wanted to buy that bag. :)

looking for the bag he wants. good thing we're all quite practical, so he doesn't mind us making him choose what he wants. well, he is gonna use it for quite a while right? get something he likes lah. ;p

woohoo! doesn't the bag look cool on him?!

guess what the 18 year old birthday boy bought for us? haha. can go clubbing liao leh! wiw-wit!
happy bitrthday again bro. hope your 18th birthday was a memoriable one! :)
i chanced upon someone's blog today. i'm outta that world now. and maybe i should just stay in my own lil world. i'm gonna sleep soon. i've still gotta meet nicole and isaac to study tomorrow morning, then down to TPMC for music festival. i'm hoping the stupid stomachache and headache i have now will be gone after i wake tomorrrow morning. ciao guys. God bless.
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