*whee* holidays=more sleep=i like! i had a dream last night. the only thing that went through my mind after i woke up was, " close your mouth and open your ears to hear!"
i just tried to attach the pictures from yeaterday to e-mail. 50mb isn't too big to send is it? nvm, i'll pass it around after i get my thumbdrive from dinitha after the holidays. haha. but first, let's have a preview.

jordan, rachel, laura, bobby and kevin aren't in the picture. some came late.



guess what we had. hehe.

cute right, cute right!?! we found this cute little boy running around outside. hehe. he was smiling at the camera before i snapped it. something distracted him. damn. oh, cute one is one the left btw. hahahaha.

the girls were bored inside i guess. so they went outside instead. haha.

haha, gotcha chandeepa! he didn't wanna take the shot, so this was the result. hehe.

the whities trying to act fierce. trying. haha. CMI.

hahaha. pat tze boy!!!

we were messing around after party. break dance sia! i can break dance too! i dance, then i break. ~piack~

some of us decided to have steamboat at marina bay.

singing to... er, what were we singing to again?


i became 2 months pregnant after dinner. man, i don't know how that happened. must have been isaac. x_x

wah! shuai ge!

don't mess with us. hei-yah!
i'm having so much fun lately, i don't want it to end. but prelims are really near and i don't wanna screw up my papers. nvm, i'll study as and when i'm able to. ;p
in the quiet, in the stillness
i know that you are God
in the secret of your presence
i know there i am restored
when you call i won't refuse
each new day again i'll choose
there is no one else like you
none but Jesus
crucified to set me free
now i live to bring Him praise
there is no one else for me
none but Jesus
crucified to set me free
now i libe to bring him praise
in the chaos, in confusion
i know you're sovereign still
in the moment of my weakness
you give me grace to do your will
when you call i won't delay
this my song through all my days
all my delight is in you Lord
all of my hope
all of my strength
all my delight is in you Lord
forever more
really beautiful song. i couldn't find the right tabs for this song though. spent some time last night trying to figure out how it's being played. they used a capo for this song. music festival comin up in a few hours time. yay! gonna meet alan in church to study a little before it starts. gotta get packin. ciao!
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