I've been thinking a lot recently. I seriously should stop before I go into depression or something.
Anyway, I had quite some fun in Genting a few days back. Here's some pictures. I was too tired to update last night.

In the coach before leaving for Malaysia.

No prize for guessing what happened in the bus! ;p

Just reached Genting. Look at the fog! :))

It was time for some shopping...

...and some fun! this is called the flying coaster. It'll make you feel like superman coz you have to lie flat on your chest as the machine lugs you along at a high speed. Shiok ah!

Took a picture with a supposed zombie. Look at his huge stud on his lower lip! woah...

The hotel has a nice view. Behind us, i mean. mountains and cable cars . . .

After our dinner we took a walk and... look at that BENTLEY!!! woah... cool right???!!!

This will make your heart skip a beat.

Andre and Alan must be outta their minds. The machine releases you from the top so you reach terminal velocity as you go down. Alan says that at least he gets to feel how committing suicide is like. haha.

Yup, they're nuts.

Another Bentley! woah... so rich.

ooooooooo........... this SERIOUSLY caught my attention.

We went for rock climbing on the last night. It really builds the muscles. Quite straining, but quite fun.

Last photo before leaving for Singapore.
Okay, I need sleep.
zzz ... ... ... ...
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