I've been wanting to post an entry for the past few days. But whatever I typed, I deleted in the end, so this time i'm just gonna type what comes to mind.
Let's start with 2 days back. Sentosa. I'm proud of myself for swimming across to another Island across Siloso beach. Alan encouraged me to go, with him swimming behind me in case anything happened. haha. My heart was beating rather fast when we were halfway through, but hey, i made it! hahaha!

This is the Island Alan and I swam to. There's only Alan in this picture coz he went once earlier in the day already. The second one was with me. ;p

There's more at Nicole's blog.
Yesterday... I had my tooth extracted. I've got a big hole in my gum now coz of it. haha. It was really sweet of Eileen to accompany me to the Dental to get my tooth out. It was really weird after the extraction coz I couldn't feel half of my mouth. I didn't even know i was biting on my tongue till after a while. haha. And I though the extraction was kinda expensive. $120 for plucking out one tooth? I dunno, maybe I'm just not too familiar with the prices of these kinda things. But anyway, I'm happy it's out, that stupid tooth was getting rather irritating.
Let's see...what else...
Today was quite fun, I guess. Helped out at Mom's office in the morning till about 3pm before i met up with Anna and Andre at Orchard. We met up with Rachel and her Dad while waiting for KC, Alan and Nicole. Rachel, or rather Rachel's Dad, purchased a blue dress that looked quite pretty on Rach. I think the dress is meant for the Christmas party that's gonna be held at her place on the 17th of this month. Kinda miss the fun old times we had together. Not like I'm damn old, but yea, ya know. After getting her $200+ dress(freakin ex right?!), Andre, Anna and I went to Cineleisure to meet up with Alan, Nicole and KC to watch......HAPPY FEET! SO CUTE! I've been wanting to watch that movie for such a long time already. It was too bad I couldn't stay longer with the rest after the movie coz i had to attend a simple wedding dinner in the night, so I had to rush off.
I haven't touched the drums and the guitar in a LONG LONG time. I hope I don't forget how to play them. In other case, I've been playing the piano quite some bit. I'm thinking of self-learning some jazz piano pieces probably through music books. Anyone who knows any that BEGINNERS can pick up, do lemme know ya? I wanna try it em out. :)
Time to go clear some of my stuff and get my timetable a little more organized too. ciao!
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