Due date for Statistics assignment is tomorrow, and I just completed it. Whew. These few days were just crazy. I'm preoccupied with so many thoughts sometimes, it gets difficult to concentrate. I won't elaborate, but looking on the bright side, my Roland TD-3 is coming tomorrow! Yippie! I simply CANNOT wait. I've been wanting an electronic kit for quite a while now. My mind was actually set on the Roland HD-1, the smaller drum set. But mom decided to top up the balance and get me the TD-3 instead. I'm really happy. Hee. Not too happy about the price though. Spent $2900 in total. I'm seriously broke now. I think I'm left with a few cents in my bank account. Haha. How pathetic can that get? Never mind, it's worth it. ROLAND TD-3! YESSS!

The Roland TD-3
Vic Firth SIH1
This pair of headphones costs $145! My goodness. So expensive. It ain't such a comfortable fit either. I went to check out the reviews, they were all really good. But I personally don't think so. KC brought me to this Audio place where they had the beyerdynamics. Wow, the sound is SO rich, and it's so comfortable. Shiok ah. Yeah, well, it came with a price too. $330. -_-" (but considering list price was $500 plus, $330 was quite a good deal.)
I'm really excited about the set. Givvit to me NOW! Ahhhh!
Oh, and guys, just in case I keep rejecting your outings, I'm sorry ya? I'm broke. And when I say broke, I really mean b-r-o-k-e, broke. -__-" Yah, you get the point.
Gosh, I should really get some sleep.
Hey.. :)
Glad you finally got what you wanted. The wait is over. Haha! Hope things are doing OK over there, know you've had a rough few days. Give me a ring anytime if ya needa talk yep? Tc buddy.. cya in school.. :)
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