It's gonna be a busy week ahead.
Morning: TPMC
Afternoon: Look for Christmas gifts with Baby
Evening: Family
Morning: School
Afternoon: Buy birthday present with classmates
Evening: Gym
Morning: School
Afternoon: WPSC (work)
Evening: Study
Morning: School
Afternoon: School
Evening: Practice for worship
Morning: Worship Team Retreat
Afternoon: Worship Team Retreat
Evening: TIMBER Christmas party
Morning: School
Afternoon: CMPB deferment
Evening: Praise n Worship Night
Morning: School
Afternoon: Worship Rehearsal for Christmas Day
Evening: Grandma's
Gosh. Packed. Haha, and I was hoping for more time at the gym. I have a feeling my schedule will change as I go through the week.
Alan just got enlisted into NS yesterday. Felt kinda bad that I couldn't see him off. I'm hoping things are fine for him there. A bunch of us got together to have a steamboat dinner with him before he enlisted. KC wasn't in the picture cuz he came a lil late. Big guy has big event going on. So they need a lot of preparations. Heh. Gaming RP, yo. :)

Going to grandma's soon. Gonna pick Eileen up from work after grandma's. :) Gosh, wish I could drive! That would be cool.
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