Exams coming up. Stuck at home on 2nd day of CNY. Supposed to be studying. Lazy to study. It's just hard to concentrate when you know everyone else is having fun out there. (Or so I'd like to think.) But seriously, I just wanna enjoy a movie or something, you know? Law, Marketing, Law, Marketing, Law, Marketing... It's driving me nuts! Ugh, I just don't wanna fail this round.

Religion. What is it?
dictionary.com defines it as, "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs".
-ritual observances.
-moral code.
-governing the conduct of human affairs???
----> In this case, God doesn't govern very well, right?
Some Christians still regard Christianity to be a religion, and some others say Christianity is a relationship. I guess regardless of what the faith is called, all of us want to know if there is a God out there. I think I'm going a little crazy. I've just been thinking quite some bit about religion and all. I wonder how people can be so sure, so certain about their faith.
I'm also kinda curious towards why people do the things they do. And just how different every individual thinks and reacts towards a given task, or in a current situation- take me for an example, I'm sooo friggin lazy to study even though my exams are just 4 days away. Wonder if I can make it through this semester.
I'm not in a right state of mind right now. >_< Feeling depressed.
Damn, I sound drunk.
awwww...hugs! come on u can do it! ;)
hubby jia you! :)
loves, baby...
aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww.... tasha's here for youuu! =)
don't stress too much, k? the more you stress, the more you cant cope! so just sit down and breathe, listen to music and then look that problem in the eye, yes?
missing you looadss! we gotta hang soon! i havent passed you and andre your bday presents -_- its been THAT long since i saw you guys. -_-
<3, tash =)
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