Transferred pics outta my phone. Life is interesting isn't it? Brings you up to the max point where you can't feel happier, then it brings you crashing down. Other times it just leaves you stuck in the rut. And at times you just don't do anything and rot. Ah whatever.
The less crowded part of Chinatown. Haha.
CNY 2009
Kit Kat from Japan, courtesy of Clarice. :)
ORGANIC Soft Drinks! 'Grass' actually tastes pretty good at a restaurant! Haha!
Valentine's Day!
Immature VS Matured?
Hmmmm. That's not right.
@ the movies, Lido.
The less crowded part of Chinatown. Haha.

Valentine's Day!
Immature VS Matured?
Hmmmm. That's not right.
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