Just some random pictures.

DONUTS! Yum...
Wasabi Fillet-O-Fish.. Do u really call this diversification???

Check out that black car in the center of the picture!
Its a Chrysler 300C
CAB! Omg..
Anyway, we kinda celebrated Andre's birthday yesterday.
This is the birthday boy in the outfit he came in. (Shirt and berms. No cap this time haha.)
And THIS is the outfit he went back in! :)
I just finished a few rounds of interviews and I'm beat. After all that hassle, I'm scheduled to start work at YellowPages this coming Monday. The Ad in the papers had me landed up at the doorstep of an Employment Agency, which was not really what I expected. Plus, it wasn't the job that was stated in the papers. And that consultant of mine just cannot stop calling me! She called me twice yesterday to tell me my interview's at 10am, and once again this morning to tell me to be there at 10am. I mean, seriously, they don't have to do this to their applicants, do they? Treating the applicants like irresponsible kids? Ugh, sickening.
I'm just hoping that things will turn out well for me at the company.
Yes Jie, I'm making a change.