i feel freaking retarded right now. blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...bleagh... anybody got an asprin? ugh........
Past Present Future
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
O levels are coming, yet there's so much sh*t going on.
i can't wait to get out of secondary school life.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
i took some time off after dinner to have an evening stroll, just to realx and think through some things. there was no evening breeze and there were no stars. how relaxing, huh? -_-
i've counted. i've got exactly 4 weeks and 1 day to the O levels practicals, which is on 26 October. the papers starts on the 30th. i need an extention of time man, like seriously.
let's do some math...
for 4 weeks,
take 1 week to revise 1 subject.
by week 4, only 4 subjects completed.
i regret not studying harder during the middle of the year. no, actually, i regret not studying hard enough 2 years back. far too late for regrets now. focus! O levels! focus, marcus, focus!
oh, an early sorry to all my friends that i might be disappointing in time to come, coz i might very likely be turning you guys down for a really crappy reason- study.
and... last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RACH! SWEET 16~! :) we'll have a belated birthday outing for you ya? and we'll catch the latest NC-16 movie k? haha. sorry i wasn't there today but i hope you enjoyed the day. love love.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

i woke up to a very cute breakfast prepared for me.
anyways, we had a simple celebration for isaac yesterday. we gave him a birthday surprise. i didn't get a picture of the present we got him- a guitar. it was a beauty. anyway, here are some of the pics.

the goofy isaac we all love. haha.

grandpa and grandma! whow! sho shweet....!

that's the card we got for isaac. tasha bought it, which explain the pink, hahaha. the word grandpa outside was written by lyana. not bad eh? A1 for arts! ;p

notice 7 big candles and 1 small candle? yup yup. 71 years old, gandpa! hehe... ok, he's only 17.

birthday, without birthday pat-tze? no way! hahaha...
i don't know how the rest presented him the guitar after the celebration coz i had a paper during that time, but i hope he liked it. but i do know something did happen during that time. u guys take care of yourselves ya?
it's been a long while since i picked up a book to read. i surprised myself at the rate i was reading my book. it was SO slow! i took about 40 minutes to read half a chapter. it's no wonder i have trouble with school's comprehension tests. i was reading "choosing God's best" in the morning and i kept thinking about the stupid things i did in my past relationship. the more i thought, the more stressed up i got. self imposed stress. stupid? yea, i did something stupid, again.
about one more month to the big O. and the stress level is getting to me. there's other factors that contribute, not only revision. the few things i must/musn't do before O levels.
1. don't have too many activities lined up.
2. if the activity is absolutely necessary, try to cut it short or postpone it.
3. always have a book in my bag so i can read it anytime.
and i think i need to keep my entries short. before i started blogging, i thought it would be a total waste of time. now, i can't stand a week without blogging. ah, anyway, this lazy boy here better get back to work now. ciao.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
the whole day was going perfectly well till someone spoilt it. but anyway, i felt good after church today. i'm not too sure why either. i feel really blessed to be in church, to be in stingray too. i'm like some emo fella, haha, thinking about all the wonderful things in life. loving family, good friends, musical talents(very much unpolished, haha), nice home, and a BIG BIG God who is always here for me. like, wow. i don't deserve them but i still get them.
ok, pushing the emo side of me away now, cell was nice today, we had some time of sharing and laughter, and we're starting a new 10week bible study on BGR. and what better way than to have a youth service on BGR to start it off? hahaha. well, at least it's something that's easy for me to digest. haha.
i'm hoping through these 10weeks, stingray will be more bonded. well, i think it's quite likely. since we're doing discussion on BGR, tendency is that you'll be more open in sharing and well, i'm hoping that it'll help. :)
ok, i'm gonna have a cool shower before i start revision. oh, and in case i don't blog tomorrow, happy birthday to isaac in advance! :) *whee*
Saturday, September 23, 2006
i love the camera functions on nicole's phone. like, wow, seriously. all the pictures below were taken on her phone's camera. 3megapixel, the new superslim slide phone. she got it for some time already, but still, wow. haha. anyway, check out the pics.

france flag! haha... blue, white and red!
we were studying at coffeebean, bishan. er, correction, nicole was studying at coffeebean. isaac and i were just fooling around.
we went down to toa payoh after that, where isaac showed off his 'initial D' driving skills, again. arcades seem to be his favourite hang out places. we went to 'kou fu' for lunch after that and met up with anna, andre and alan. wah, triple A. cool. anyways, it was down to TPMC for the last session of music festival. we had some mini concert thing (after the rehearals) where alan and kevin showed off their skills. andre and nicole came to watch too. thanks guys! *hugs* oh, and kevin can take over me in chapel now. he can play the drums! woohoo! the drums in the worship hall felt funny when i played on it. it's so different from chapel's. i should go practice more...after Os. damn, everything's after Os. -_-
anyway, comin back. nicole was feeling a little down in the evening so since alan and i had some time to spare, we went walking around marina and landed ourselves up in some ice cream place. i think it was anderson's ice cream. here.

playing with nicole's camera

nicole: "hmmm... who should i choose?"

hmmm... is alan with nicole?

alan: "watcha lookin at, punk?!"

in da bus.
we took bus70 back home, it was a long ride, but nicole managed to catch jonathan leong on tv mobile. so it was worth the longer bus ride, right nicole? haha. wah, buay tah han all the stupid dots on my face. urgh. i wish they could like all dry up and drop out, or fade back away into my skin, or better still, life photoshop to edit any blemishes. urgh.
never thought i could actually enjoy myself during the prelim period, but i have been for 2 days already, so...it's good, i guess, i think, hmmm... ah, whatever, i enjoyed myself. fullstop. can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
Friday, September 22, 2006
i feel so shiok after the shower. feeling extremely dirty after one whole day out. like, extremely.
today's alan's 18th birthday. woohoo! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALAN!!!
the accounts paper today was a killer. damn, studied a whole lot yesterday, still couldn't do quite a lot. i'm not sure if mr yeong set the prelims that difficult or am i just plain dumb? hmmm..don't tell me the answer.
anyway, after the 2nd and last paper for the day, maths, we all changed out of our uniforms and made our way down to orchard. the rest, i'll let the pictures do the talking.

messin around in CMS room before we made our way down to orchard.

button all the way up. geeky enough? haha.

the bus stop just outside school. alan still thinks we were going to sushi teh at that point of time. ;p

haha. SEOUL GARDEN! i hope that came as a pleasant surprise for him.

feeling 'bo liao' after lunch-cum-dinner. i think we meant to act blur. the pictures look like we were acting acting cute. hahaha.

group shot! after the meal.

on the way to crumpler to get bag for alan

haha... the bag looks FAR too big on rach. KC wanted to buy that bag. :)

looking for the bag he wants. good thing we're all quite practical, so he doesn't mind us making him choose what he wants. well, he is gonna use it for quite a while right? get something he likes lah. ;p

woohoo! doesn't the bag look cool on him?!

guess what the 18 year old birthday boy bought for us? haha. can go clubbing liao leh! wiw-wit!
happy bitrthday again bro. hope your 18th birthday was a memoriable one! :)
i chanced upon someone's blog today. i'm outta that world now. and maybe i should just stay in my own lil world. i'm gonna sleep soon. i've still gotta meet nicole and isaac to study tomorrow morning, then down to TPMC for music festival. i'm hoping the stupid stomachache and headache i have now will be gone after i wake tomorrrow morning. ciao guys. God bless.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

before plastic surgery

after plastic surgery
hahaha... not bad, huh? i can do a comercial for plastic surgery now! haha. KC's phone has this warp application that's able to warp a picture of someone's face. i never had so much fun with pictures in my life. laughed non-stop. wahahahaha...
prelim starts tomorrow. there's so many things to revise. don't you just hate it sometimes when reality sets in? damn.
Monday, September 18, 2006
i went for a new group tuition tuition somewhere in serangoon today. well...the tuition was...demoralising and encouraging, both at the same time. ok, let me explain. during tuition, we did a tough prelim paper1, which he clarified any doubts of ours afterward. the rest of the group, apart from myself, takes combined science. even so, they seem better than me in physics. they were well versed in their basics, they did better than me in the prelim paper, and they could understand fast what the teacher was explaining. and it doesn't look like they're geeky nerds studying 24-7. in fact, they look like they have their share of fun as well. damn, i'm in deep shit. ok, the 15 minutes i gave for myself on the computer is up. i'm gonna mug tonight. ciao.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
alan and i had a one hour bus ride back home from queensway. we were talking about what we wanted to do after the 'O's. damn, the more i think about it, the more i wish the 'O's were over already. right now i feel like i'm deprived of so much fun i could be having if the pressure wasn't on. -_-
things out of school are getting better i guess. things haven't been screwing up, and i'm beginning to be more sociable, so, yeah, it should be a good thing right? i'm just hoping things will stay this way. haha. for now, the only thing i need is more sleep. heh. i've been feeling really sleepy in the day recently. ok, gotta go pack up and sleep soon. *~peace out~*
Saturday, September 16, 2006

guess who? haha. eh, wolverine-wanna-be, where you looking at?!
there were extra classes in the morning. went to ramen ramen for lunch. food was good. can't say the same about the price though.

rejection? aww, don't take it too hard on yourself. maybe she doesn't like the kind of flowers you were holding? try red roses the next time round. ;p
check this out. i don't know why couldn't put the video itself here so this is the link. it teaches you to develop speed playing and it's quite detailed. but before i even start with this practice, i've gotta try to get my left hand to move more naturally first. x_x
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Watch your thought, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
got this from rachel's blog. i think this is my answer. but it's not gonna be easy. i don't know why this chinese phrase popped up in my head. 3 years to learn good. 3 days to learn bad.
i feel like a freakin nerd now.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
ever had a sense of, i don't know, weirdness? when things are okay and yet it doesn't seem like you're doing the right thing? i don't exactly know how to put it in words, but that's how i'm feeling right now. sometimes i wish there was a step-by-step book on how to deal with every situation in life, haha, which i don't think is very possible.
i don't feel myself. -_-
cut the crap. today alan, andre, isaac and i attended some stress management course because the tuition thing that was organised by school was cancelled. i think that it was pretty useless. it was purely common sense and from what i gather, it's just telling us to take control of our life. i don't need to worry about that coz i've got a BIG God that takes control of mine. hah.
at this period of time, the word "STUDY" seems to be on most of our faces. i myself can't help it but to feel pressurised as well. after alan told me he studied till 3am last night(or morning), wah, more pressure. -piang weh- have to pia already.
better gets some physics in my head and get some sleep before my runny nose runs away. *sniff sniff...* ~AH-CHOO!!!~
Saturday, September 09, 2006
been thinking a lot about her lately. i feel like a despo. damn. i should stop. seriously.
the songs "from the inside out" and "none but Jesus" from 'mighty to save' are relatively easy to play on the accoustic though the song sounds difficult to play. plus, it's meaningful and simply beautiful. maybe we should bring it to chapel. hmmm, but then again, i don't think we can practice since prelims are coming up. oh nevermind. anyway, speaking of exams and all, i've been doing a lot of physics. i never knew physics could be this tidious. i thought the boring subjects like accounts was tidious enough. physics is worse. plus, it gets really frustrating when you don't know how to do 10 questions in a row. like, urgh. >_<
tomorrow my head will feel lighter. hahaha. CUT HAIR! YES! can't stand this long hair now. i look in the mirror and i think to myself, "this guy is wearing an oversized black helmet!" it's disturbing plus it's making my head heavier. haha. just kiddin. but it is kinda irritating, really.
anyway, i've got a friend who's feeling down and upset now. bro, i hope this verse will cheer you up. or any others who are feeling down as well. "when the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul" Psalm 94:17-19. ^sMiLe^ He's always here for us. :)
Friday, September 08, 2006
i don't know if it's just me, but tuition just now was really boring. maybe i'm not a listening type of person. more than half of the time, teacher was just talking and i was just staring into thin air, stoning. there's still so much to learn for physics. i don't know how i'm gonna make it through my 'O's man. gotta start memorizing all the formulas and start playing around with them. stupid twist and turns in the questions, driving me nuts. commerce...ok la, a lot to memorize as well. time to mug. big time. MUG.
had quite a lot fun yesterday when alan, andre and isaac came over to my place to study. we meant the day to be lunch, study and to end the day with a dinner-cum-move. but it ended up with alan and isaac staying over. haha. it was fun. equation: alan+isaac=comedy show. haha. oh, and we got up in the middle of the night to study, heh, hardworking eh? haha. well, i did get quite a bit of physics in my head so i was quite satisfied. :)
physics lesson tomorrow morning and music festival later on in the afternoon. i hope they'll teach something like stick control, yea. all the tao gehs(beansprout-music notes) are getting...er...a bit boring. urgh... i'm still damn worried about not making the mark into polytechnic or something. i can't afford to waste one more year.
i need a miricle.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
i got so sick of trying to figure out how to get the comment thing to work that i removed it instead. urgh, sickening, i wasted about one hour on it. emphasis on the word, "wasted".
reality sets in once agin.
more workload = more stress.
more stress = more easily irritated.
more easily irritated = less optimism.
less optimism = more stress.
wonderful how logic works isn't it?
work just doesn't seem very appealing after all the fun i had for the past few days.
Monday, September 04, 2006
holidays. hmmmm, should i call it a study week instead? time to get really busy with work. yup yup yup! jie so generously bought me an iPod video. like WHOH! i had to pay half of it, but STILL! i mean, she didn't buy it because there was some occassion or something, she just got it for me. but she did include one thing though. "study hard ah..." hahaha. love ya jie! *mwack* :)

ooooo...... i'm so gonna take good care of this baby! haha. ok, i need a shower. badly.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
the start of the day was a little messy. i was late for church and i almost threw up. don't know what i ate or did but i got it anyway. heh. it was a lot better after church, though i had the throwing up feeling on and off, but it was a good thing i managed to control. we met sephas after church. compared to the last time that i saw him in school, he seems tons better now. and the passion he has for God, wow. it's a big change. my God is a big God and in Him we can do all things. yes yes yes! :)
here's today. love it.

we had some fun at the arcade after church. KC and isaac- the pros. they're like damn accurate. whoh.

then it was down to plaza singapura for isaac to show up some skills on his "vroom-vroom"!

isaac and his future girlfriend? i wouldn't be too sure about that.

i don't think isaac should ever sit on one. if he looses any more weight, he'll only be skin and bones! same goes for me. hahaha.

we managed to secretly book tasha's cake and everything before the movie (love wrecked) started.

isaac fetched us all there in his brand new lorry. hahaha. JK! just messing around while we were walking to cathay from plaza singapura.

isaac's obsessed with pat tze. seriously man, give it a rest. haha.
after movie

lyana helped us distract natasha while we went up to swensen's to get the suprise ready. SUCCESS! :)

and grandpa didn't forget the rose. er, an improved and bigger rose, that is. grandpa (baht chew pak stamp)couldn't see properly so he chose the bigger flower instead. haha.

anxious for the birthday cake to come. heeee. we met kevin outside swensen's so he joined us too. yippee! :)

alan has the capability to be a professional waiter. haha.

hey, the earthquake! me me me!


eathquake: before shot

earthquake: after shot
any difference? hahaha.

that's all folks!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
is it human tendancy to complicate things? some things are like so simple and direct but people must make it sound all complicating and sophisticated. urgh
drummers, here's a treat.
chris adler. wow.
*whee* holidays=more sleep=i like! i had a dream last night. the only thing that went through my mind after i woke up was, " close your mouth and open your ears to hear!"
i just tried to attach the pictures from yeaterday to e-mail. 50mb isn't too big to send is it? nvm, i'll pass it around after i get my thumbdrive from dinitha after the holidays. haha. but first, let's have a preview.

jordan, rachel, laura, bobby and kevin aren't in the picture. some came late.



guess what we had. hehe.

cute right, cute right!?! we found this cute little boy running around outside. hehe. he was smiling at the camera before i snapped it. something distracted him. damn. oh, cute one is one the left btw. hahahaha.

the girls were bored inside i guess. so they went outside instead. haha.

haha, gotcha chandeepa! he didn't wanna take the shot, so this was the result. hehe.

the whities trying to act fierce. trying. haha. CMI.

hahaha. pat tze boy!!!

we were messing around after party. break dance sia! i can break dance too! i dance, then i break. ~piack~

some of us decided to have steamboat at marina bay.

singing to... er, what were we singing to again?


i became 2 months pregnant after dinner. man, i don't know how that happened. must have been isaac. x_x

wah! shuai ge!

don't mess with us. hei-yah!
i'm having so much fun lately, i don't want it to end. but prelims are really near and i don't wanna screw up my papers. nvm, i'll study as and when i'm able to. ;p
in the quiet, in the stillness
i know that you are God
in the secret of your presence
i know there i am restored
when you call i won't refuse
each new day again i'll choose
there is no one else like you
none but Jesus
crucified to set me free
now i live to bring Him praise
there is no one else for me
none but Jesus
crucified to set me free
now i libe to bring him praise
in the chaos, in confusion
i know you're sovereign still
in the moment of my weakness
you give me grace to do your will
when you call i won't delay
this my song through all my days
all my delight is in you Lord
all of my hope
all of my strength
all my delight is in you Lord
forever more
really beautiful song. i couldn't find the right tabs for this song though. spent some time last night trying to figure out how it's being played. they used a capo for this song. music festival comin up in a few hours time. yay! gonna meet alan in church to study a little before it starts. gotta get packin. ciao!