dun like dun like dun like! urgh.
Past Present Future
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Life is on the down side now.
I don't like it one bit.
Confused and annoyed.
I'd rather just sleep it off.
I love sleep.
Truly, I can't live a day without You.
Your unfailing love.
Your peace and restoration.
Fill me once again.
I will get there one day.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Assignment's done and handed in already. New problem- the topics covered are getting heavier and heavier. Ugh. I'm really struggling. You know, I really wonder how those people who hardly come for class even pass their mid-term test. They seem to be having such an easy time. Makes me feel really stupid sometimes. Pretty discouraging. Never mind. I'll make it through, with God's help I will. I can't do it alone.
Anyway, the new drum set has been quite a stress reliever. Heh. Really enjoy playing it. A minus points though. The provided pedal ain't that good coz the rebound is pretty strong. I've gotta find a way to fix that. And the drum throne keeps going down. I'm using my normal chair to play right now. Dahk, works okay too la. Whatever la, I'm contented. :)) Weri happy.
I'm trying to let go.
Oh, and a belated happy birthday to Lyana! :))
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Due date for Statistics assignment is tomorrow, and I just completed it. Whew. These few days were just crazy. I'm preoccupied with so many thoughts sometimes, it gets difficult to concentrate. I won't elaborate, but looking on the bright side, my Roland TD-3 is coming tomorrow! Yippie! I simply CANNOT wait. I've been wanting an electronic kit for quite a while now. My mind was actually set on the Roland HD-1, the smaller drum set. But mom decided to top up the balance and get me the TD-3 instead. I'm really happy. Hee. Not too happy about the price though. Spent $2900 in total. I'm seriously broke now. I think I'm left with a few cents in my bank account. Haha. How pathetic can that get? Never mind, it's worth it. ROLAND TD-3! YESSS!

The Roland TD-3
Vic Firth SIH1
This pair of headphones costs $145! My goodness. So expensive. It ain't such a comfortable fit either. I went to check out the reviews, they were all really good. But I personally don't think so. KC brought me to this Audio place where they had the beyerdynamics. Wow, the sound is SO rich, and it's so comfortable. Shiok ah. Yeah, well, it came with a price too. $330. -_-" (but considering list price was $500 plus, $330 was quite a good deal.)
I'm really excited about the set. Givvit to me NOW! Ahhhh!
Oh, and guys, just in case I keep rejecting your outings, I'm sorry ya? I'm broke. And when I say broke, I really mean b-r-o-k-e, broke. -__-" Yah, you get the point.
Gosh, I should really get some sleep.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
It's been quite some while since I've updated.
And it's a happy post this time. Hee :))
I'm well! Yippe! I still feel a little sore at the throat area, but other than that, I'm up and movin~~~ Whoo! All right, all right. I'm just a lil high.
I just had my Statistics test today and I must say, it was pretty easy. Whoo! I see the light at the end of the dark tunnel! I see it! HOPE, at last! I feel encouraged. Really. :) Oh, in case you guys didn't know, I previously HATED Statistics to the core. Uh, I'm not saying that I like it now, but let's just say, the situation's getting better. Hahaha ;p
Economics test coming up this Friday! Ahhh! More memorizing work coming up!
A lot of work to be done for the coming few days. Deadline for Statistics assignment is on Tuesday and deadline for 1500words research for Economics is on Wednesday. And I haven't even started!!! I better do start TONIGHT. @_@ !
OH! Andre accompanied me to Swee Lee Music just now and I saw a drum set that I liked! (And one that I could afford as well. Hahaha.) It's a really basic set, but it looks good and it sounds really good too. I'll be talking to Mom and Dad about this over dinner later. Hehehe.
Oh, it's about time also. Makan!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
I never thought tertiary life could suck this bad. Everything is going the opposite direction for me right now. I'm getting quite sick of all the Quantitative studies. Why do they have to put Economics and Statistics together in one semester??? It's just a little too heavy for me. I really marvel at how some of the other students can get all that information into their brain. Which makes me wonder whether I'm just pure stupid.
Speaking of "getting sick". I literally got sick yesterday. I had a fever yesterday that shot up to 39.3degrees at night. I was hoping for a faster cure coz I was shivering everywhere I went, and I couldn't even walk properly, so I went to a clinic to get a jab- on my butt. Wah lau, pain sia! It felt like one side of my butt was swollen or something. But damn was that jab effective. By the time I got home I could sorta feel my body heat going off.
And because of the stupid fever, I couldn't make it for Oasis- the event that we've all been preparing for. Ugh.
Oh, and I wanna thank my wonderful friends for the concern of my health, sending me SMSes and all. Yeah, thanks guys. :)
Hey Siew Cheng, glad to hear you're feeling better too! :P (She was also down with fever for a while- only that I didn't know about it until today. Oops. x_x)
Man, I've really gotta find a study partner to help push me to study more and not give up when it gets too tough. But looking at my crazy schedule, I don't really think that's possible. -_-"
Gosh, I think my posts are getting more and more depressing. I'll post a happy one next time round. I hope. :P