Yesterday was quite a fun day at Pulau Ubin. Surprisingly, we met Kenny at Tampines MRT station. It's been a looong time since the last time I saw him. Had a short chat before going down to the bus interchange to take a bus to Changi Village.
In the bus on the way to Changi Village to take a bumboat down to Pulau Ubin. To be honest, I forgot which bus we were on! Hahaha.
Going crazy while waiting for the bumboat to arrive.
On the bumboat.
Alan looks pretty good with his emo shots eh? Haha.
Just outside the bicycle rental shop.
Spot the durian!
I think we went into some place we weren't supposed to be in and the people there weren't very friendly to us. It actually looked like some place to rear fishes. Uh...but the thing is, there weren't any fishes. Hmmm, suspicious suspicious...
Dead tired after much cycling.
Decided to turn back to the start again cuz there was something wrong with KC's bicycle. The gears weren't working very well and part of the stupid pedal broke. Dah.
......We took a break. The coconut juice was GoOd! Mm Mmm! *sLuRp!*
After our break, we continued cycling.
Made a stop near at a lake or something. Uh, a very dirty one. :P
Do we look alike? Wahahaha...
The scarecrow caught our attention. So we went down to take a look, and found also this little plantation of sort. Pretty cute. This is one of them planted there.
After the long cycle, we went to this seafood place for dinner. But before that, we were looking around and Alan spotted a tank of little guppies.
And look who was at the other end of the tank slurping away the water. (I wouldn't be surprised if it accidentally swallowed down a guppy or two :P)
Dinner dinner dinner! The food was reeeeaally really good.
Just before leaving Pulau Ubin.
I wished it would never end.